Saturday, April 14, 2007

All good things come to an end ...

Well the title says it all. One way or another everythin` ends sooner or later. Usually they end in "the other" part and in that moment life sucks. And you think bout the past, bout all the nice things you've done together, all the plans you made, and slowly, memory by memory, you reach the moment when things weren't nice anymore, the moments when lies were in the air like flies float around shit. And in that moment you realise how dumb fuck you were and that love it's just a word said to give hope.

Days went by, yet she still won't say it's over. Keeps tellin` that she still thinks bout the moment when you're gonna be together again. Meanwhile she's in another ones arms. How the heck can you say such things when you're lickin` the other one? "He was so kind back then and knew how to treat me" well ofc he was and he did, after all he knew all that it happened between us so he knew what he shouldn't do. But a bit later he ain't like that no more it seems.

After a while she starts again: "i've read this in some magic shit:you and the ex will remain friends for all yer life and yada yada". Weird, do ya` really think i'll be friend to the one who fucked with those feelings, with the one to whom i gave everythin` ? "Friendship often turns to love, but love into friendship ... never"

Then decides that maybe, and maybe and then no again and no but ... all in all let's keep the decision she took a while back.

Later on i hear the "i don't care bout that dumb fuck, he's an idiot he doesn't know what he wants from his life blah blah". 2 days later they're back together. Now i really wonder who's the one that doesn't know what wants from life.

I didn't finish to wonder cuz i hear again: "i don't care but now i'll get my revenge on him and i'll make him suffer". Like girl grow up and decide where do ya` wanna go.

So, with a bit of regret for what she used to mean, the "farewell" part came.I'll miss those big eyes and that smile that was so hard to get ... How some ppl change ...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A small girl, with big eyes .. yeah, u can say that maybe she didn`t know what she wanted .. we all were stupid or innocent at some time .. so .. daca judeci sau razi de cele intamplate, suferintza dispare mai usor ? sau .. te simti mai bine ? yea, that girl had to grow up, when u started what u started with her, i guess u expected at some things . but, as i was saying, that lil` girl with big eyes made u fall in love with her .. u gotta admit that! oh, one more thing .. say what? a bit of regret? those moments we spent together were just .. wonderful, and yes, i didn`t appreciate u as i should, and how u deserved but .. it was great. u dont have to regret what i "used to mean" .. :P those magic moments were ..magic. hmm, that`s it, no more melancholy .. i`ll go to bed now. a big kiss if u let me :)